The categories (Organizations & Individuals) and description for the 2022/2023 Nigeria AllEnergies Awards are listed below:

Organization Categories

This award highlights recent contributions made by an upstream LOC company. A transformational LOC which shifts the industry focus and trend in Nigeria. Must be a champion organization on the front line that can take a complex strategy and execute it with result, creativity and concrete conviction.

The winner must be a trend-setter who do not follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a high standard. The ALL ENERGIES Jury will be looking for the LOC that personifies innovation, use of digital technology, stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity and ultimately delivers that action.

The LOC must have driven Strategy, implementation and operations to new paradigms geared towards AllEnergies, energy transition, carbon capture critical to transform the organization to an industry leader and ultimately transform the nation.

While this LOC may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the industry and Nigeria at large. To get the Jury’s top mark, company most have proven records notable milestone achievement in the year 2022, proven records of Energy Health, Safety, environment Stewardship, efforts, initiatives or technological developments that have minimized or eliminated the environmental footprint of the oil and gas industry within the community or a region.

Organizations should be able to demonstrate positive contribution to the advancement of environmental considerations in any part of its oil and gas operations.

This award highlights recent contributions made by oil storage, shipping and logistics organization.

A transformational company which shifts the industry focus and trend in Nigeria in relations to oil midstream activities -- Storage, Shipping and logistics. Must be a champion on the front line that can take a complex strategy and execute it with courage, creativity and concrete conviction. These trendsetters don’t follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a high standard.

The ALL ENERGIES Jury will be looking for the midstream - Storage, Shipping and logistics oil company that personifies innovation, use of digital technology, stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity and ultimately delivers that action.

The storage company must have driven Strategy, implementation and operations to extended value, new paradigms, critical to transform the organization to an industry leader.

While this storage facility may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the oil industry and Nigeria at large. The winner must be recognized industry wide as the most resourceful midstream company with recognizable presence across the midstream value chain, dedicated to providing satisfaction to customers. Reduced operation time with new technology and strategies.

Dedicated to ensuring the highest standard of health, safety and environmental stewardship is achieved. Ensure the provision of good quality product to the Nigerian market. Committed to local content development with widespread recognition and distinction among industry peers.

This award highlights recent contributions made by a non-major independent DOWNSTREAM COMPANY. A transformational INDEPENDENT downstream company which shifts the industry focus and growth trend across the country.

The winner shall be a champion on the oil supply chain front line that can take a complex strategy and execute it with courage, creativity and concrete conviction. These trend-setters don’t follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a high standard.

The ALL ENERGIES Jury will be looking for the INDEPENDENT downstream COMPANY that personifies, growth, geographic expansion, innovation, use of digital technology, stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity and ultimately delivers that action which can result in regional or national expansion of retail outlets.

The DOWNSTREAM COMPANY must have driven Strategy,implementation and operations to new paradigms, critical to transform the organization to an industry leader.

While this DOWNSTREAM COMPANY may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the industry and Nigeria at large.

The winner will have proven evidence of being a multi-stream industry player.

This award highlights recent contributions made by an indigenous oil REFINING COMPANY.

A transformational REFINING COMPANY which shifts the industry focus and trend against all odds.

Must be a champion on the front line that can take a complex strategy and execute it with courage, creativity and concrete conviction. These trendsetters don’t follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a highnstandard.

The ALL ENERGIES Jury will be looking for the REFINING COMPANY that personifies, growth, innovation, use of digital technology, stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity across multiple sectors of the oil value chain and ultimately delivers set action.

The REFINING COMPANY must have driven Strategy, implementation and operations to new paradigms, critical to  transform the organization to an industry leader. While this REFINING COMPANY may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the industry and Nigeria at large.

The winner will have proven evidence of being a multi-stream industry player.

This award recognizes true excellence in oil service organizations providing advanced services such as drilling solutions, core analysis, HSSE Value chain, and many other types of technical services to the oil and gas industry.

Contractors, oilfield service companies, operators and other companies that engage in the exploration and production process are eligible to enter this category.

The use of innovative techniques to preserve ecologically sensitive areas whilst carrying out their operation shall be rewarded.

The Jury shall scrutinize the Organizations on the strength and quality of their performance where both safety, commitment to the preservation of the local area and commercial goals are demonstrably best in class.

To be the award winner, a company must demonstrate that its activities across the streams set world-class standards in one or more of a range of activities. Exploration technologies and methods for finding new resources, maximizing technical excellence, innovative resource extraction, and bringing complex or difficult projects to schedule and on budget are top-of-mind in this evaluation.

This award highlights recent contributions made by an upstream gas exploration and production company. A transformational gas company which shifts the industry focus and trend in Nigeria.

Must be a champion on the front line of projects such as the Gas Flare commercialization. A company that can take a complex strategy and execute it with courage, creativity and concrete conviction. These trendsetters don’t follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a high standard.

The ALL ENERGIES award Jury will be looking for the GAS exploration and production company that personifies innovation, use of digital technology,stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity and ultimately delivers that action. The GAS company must have driven Strategy, implementation and operations to new paradigms, critical to transform the organization to an industry leader.

While this GAS company may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the industry and Nigeria at large.

To get the Jury’s top mark, company most have proven records of multiple Gas derivative geared towards new energies, environmental Stewardship, efforts, initiatives or technological developments that have minimized or eliminated the environmental footprint of the oil and gas industry within the community or a region.

Organizations should be able to demonstrate positive contribution to the advancement of environmental considerations in any part of the oil and gas industry. The Jury’s top mark shall go to companies who have verifiable activities across different gas derivatives and operations such as LNG, FLNG, GTL, GTP, CNG, LPG, AutoGas etc.

This award highlights recent contributions made by a midstream gas company. A transformational gas midstream – Storage, Shipping and logistics company which shifts the industry focus and trend in Nigeria.

Must be a champion on the front line that can take a complex strategy and execute it with courage, creativity and concrete conviction. These trend-setters don’t follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a high


The ALL ENERGIES Jury will be looking for the GAS MIDSTREAM Company that personifies innovation, use of digital technology, stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity and ultimately delivers that action.

The GAS MIDSTREAM Company must have driven Strategy, implementation and operations to new paradigms, critical to transform the organization to an industry leader.

While this GAS MIDSTREAM Company may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the industry and Nigeria at large.

To get the Jury’s top mark, company most have proven records of environmental Stewardship, efforts, initiatives or technological developments that have minimized or eliminated the environmental footprint of the oil and gas industry within the community or a region.

Organizations should be able to demonstrate positive contribution to the advancement of environmental considerations in any part of the oil and gas industry.

The Jury’s top mark shall go to companies who have verifiable activities across different gas derivatives and operational mix such as LNG, FLNG,GTL, GTP, CNG, LPG, AutoGas, Virtual pipelines, etc.

This award highlights recent contributions made by a GAS DOWNSTREAM company. A transformational GAS DOWNSTREAM which shifts the industry focus and trend in Nigeria.

Must be a champion on the front line that can take a complex strategy and execute it with courage, creativity and concrete conviction. These trend-setters don’t follow the status quo; they rise up to execute a high standard.

The ALL ENERGIES Jury will be looking for the GAS DOWNSTREAM Company that personifies innovation, use of digital technology, stimulates intelligent action to meet opportunity and ultimately delivers that action.

The GAS DOWNSTREAM Company must have driven Strategy, implementation and operations to new paradigms, critical to transform the organization to an industry leader.

While this GAS DOWNSTREAM Company may not be new to the industry, the company must have made the most remarkable strides in their role, inevitably impacting the industry and Nigeria at large.

To get the Jury’s top mark, company most have proven records of environmental Stewardship, efforts, initiatives or technological developments that have minimized or eliminated the environmental footprint of the oil and gas industry within the community or a region.

Organizations should be able to demonstrate positive contribution to the advancement of environmental considerations in any part of the oil and gas industry.

The Jury’s top mark shall go to companies who have verifiable activities across different gas derivatives and operational mix such as LNG, FLNG, GTL, GTP, CNG, LPG, AutoGas, Gas mother station, Gas baby station etc.

This award recognizes business excellence in the renewable / new energy Industry.

The efforts and achievements of renewable / new energy company in Nigeria pioneering and paving the way for the industry, laying solid foundation and hitting enormous milestones that others can build upon.

The finalists can be companies across the notable renewable such as solar, wind, hydrogen, biofuel, atomic / nuclear energy. The Jury’s choice winner shall be a renewable / new Energy company makingsubstantial contribution to the success of the industry. Policy formulation, technological innovations and ground breaking solutions are some of the expected achievement and qualities the award Jury will be looking at.

Also, Finalists and winner shall be expected to showcase energy transition Innovations driving the modernization of energy

infrastructure in Nigeria. The jury’s top mark shall go to company with some mix of the different renewable / new energy strategy and operation.

This award recognizes the efforts and achievements of Off grid power companies in Nigeria pioneering and paving the way for off grid solutions, hitting enormous milestones that others can build upon.

The Jury’s high mark shall go to companies who have verifiable completed projects that are already powering communities and Rural areas not connected to the national grid.

Organization using large scale, Innovative renewable Energy generation sources such as Biomass, waste, solar etc. shall be favorably considered.

This award recognizes and Energy media company who have demonstrated throughout the year that they are at the

forefront of creating and distributing ground-breaking content through innovation across the multi sector of the energy value chain.

The award cuts across all types of media such as print Media, Tele Media, Online Media etc.

The award winner must have shown proven commitment to reporting and developing content mix across all the different energy sources in the country.

This award shall consider the shortlisted law firms focused on Energy Industry on the degree of innovative, outstanding, and complex transactions worked on in the last 12 months.

The jury mark shall go to an organization with a good mix of traditional legal proceeding with strong footprints in alternative dispute resolution.

This award is for the financial institution who have been providing financial services, solutions, advice, corporate and investment support to Energy clients.

Provision of funding for big projects in the energy industry ,provision of project finance product such as debt long / short term .

The award winning bank must have offered tailor-made funding products to finance Energy industry projects with successful closure against all odds.

This Award recognizes tertiary institutions offering courses across the Energy value chain with proven track record of students in the job market.

This award-winning institution would have researched and developed innovative energy related technologies, processes, systems or solutions, which will contribute significantly to Nigeria’s energy industry with proven commercial viability.

The award Jury will be looking for evidence of the above in form of industry relevant researches, prototypes and patents.

This award is recognizing a significant / major deal with successful closure.

It may be a Significant Mergers, Acquisition, a major Project of the year etc.

The jury’s top mark shall go to an organization with verifiable evidence of deal success.

Individual Categories

This award recognizes individuals (either retired or at the peak of their career) that has made a significant and lifelong impression/ contribution to the wider Energy Industry.

This award recognizes reputable industry players whose consistent delivery of excellence over many years have turned them to renown man or woman. The awardees will be recognized at the judges’ discretion after input from gurus in the sector.

The Torch-Bearer Award was created to recognize and honor Energy personality who have inspired the industry, energy communities and the nation at large through their personal  dedication to the tenets of New Energies, Energy transition, Energy access ad sustainability. The awardee will be a recognized industry leader who have provided mentorship and leadership to the industry

This award winner shall be an individual that has made a significant contribution to the Energy sector with a very storing drive and leadership toll for Nigerian Energy Transition.

The awardee shall be the person with the most innovative and well-rounded approach to Just transition, determining the Nigerian Energy transition narrative, fostering and supporting creation of necessary plan, policy and advocacies in line with transition best practices.

The winner must have shown clear leadership qualities, raising the profile of the industry as it relates to Energy transition.

This award winner shall be an individual that has made a significant contribution to the Energy sector with a focus on ensuring Nigeria achieves a formidable and right Energy Mix across all the possible energy sources.

The awardee shall be the person with the most innovative and well-rounded approach to facilitating new energy development such that the industry maximizes all the available energy sources to close obvious energy gaps.

The winner must have shown clear leadership qualities, raising the profile of the industry as it relates to Energy transition.

This award recognizes and individual who have facilitated and implemented policies that ensure significant participation of local companies and citizens across the energy industry opportunities such as direct employment, indirect employment, contract awards etc. contracts. It also considers regulations tailored to the absorptive capacity of national industry.

The award also recognizes country-based Local content strategies that satisfy business plans, meet Local content obligations, and strengthen backward-linkages and local supplier competitiveness.

This award will recognize an outstanding individual within the oil and gas industry who has made a noteworthy contribution in the country.

The winner would have consistently demonstrated clarity of vision and judgment that transform and empower organizations and industry at large.

The winner will be an industry leader who is highly respected by both peers and competitors, admired and followed by employees, trusted by investors and welcomed by the community

This award is for recognition of courage, dedication, ethics and the ability to bring about real change for the betterment of the industry as a whole.